Presented by the NWPL and the City of New Westminster, this event will talk about how and when landlords can evict renters.
TRAC (Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre) will speak to the following topics:
- 4 Types of Evictions
- Illegal lock outs
- Compensation for tenants if landlords evict with a 2 and a 4-month notice
- Right of first refusal
- Bad faith evictions
- Selling a property
- Physically evicting a tenant
- Proper eviction templates from the Residential Tenancy Board
Bring your questions!
This event is offered as a hybrid – in person at the library and broadcast live via Zoom. If you want to attend, please register. All attendees will receive a Zoom link before the event.
Please note, the event will not be recorded.
This event follows the Renting 101 on Saturday, Feb 3 from 2:00-4:00. Click here for more information about that session.