Find information on historical figures and residents of New Westminster. You can access resources located at the library, outside of the library, or online.
Ancestry for Libraries
The Library subscribes to the Ancestry for Libraries online genealogical service.
Ancestry for Libraries contains over 4 billion names that are listed in various collections of historical records around the world.
Access to this service is available in-library only, so check our library branch hours and locations to plan your visit.
Bowell & Sons Funeral Home index
You can conveniently search the records of Bowell & Sons Funeral Home through New Westminster Museum and Archives’ online archives.
Type “NWPL heritage collection – Bowell Funeral Home” into the “Fonds / Collection Name” field to retrieve all the records available.
See our research guide for help with searching the online archives if you’re new to it or simply need a refresher.
City Directories
At the Library, you can look through copies of New Westminster City Directories dating back to 1860!
These directories list residents’ names and sometimes addresses and occupations. Listings will often include names or initials of all members of a household.
You can also review telephone directories for New Westminster (some of which include listings for most of Metro Vancouver) from 1952 to the present.
Directories are available for in-library research use at our Main Branch only. Check our library branch hours and locations to plan your visit.
Additional Resources
Expand your genealogical research beyond New Westminster Public Library and New Westminster Museum and Archives.
Other institutions to connect with include BC Archives and Library and Archives Canada.